04-01-2020 Vernamiège - Mont Noble, ski-rando, Rando Parc Nax, Val d'Hérens, Valais, Suisse

text and photos: Xavier

Distance - 12,46km
Height gain - 1100m
Height lost - 1100m
Altitude Max - 2672m
Altitude min - 1520m
Effective walk: 2h10m
descent: 35min
Degree of difficulty- F
track: here

video of the day

This saturday i went to the region of Nax, in the Valais district, i drove until Prarion(Vernamiège) were i started, by the Movement rando track. I followed the marked route until the summit of Mont Noble(2672m), 2h10m until the summit, it was very very cold so i stayed 5 minutes max up there.
Time for the best part, the descent, half following the ski pistes and the other half off piste.

 Mont Noble

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